Saturday, September 13, 2008

Training Day

I work in the Mail Room and I am the only one that works on that floor of the university. I often get asked if I feel lonely. It is a windowless space, but it's actually not that bad. Most of the morning, I am out and about on campus delivering mail to all the departments. I enjoy chatting with everyone and bringing smiles to their faces. The job jives quite well with my personality in that I love being with people, but I also like spending time on my own.

Anyways, I had training the other day as a Floor Warden. In case of a disaster, I would be the one to gather everyone in my area and show them a safe exit. Even though I am the only one in my area, the loading dock generally has a number of couriers that come and go so it is good to know.

I learned that you never take the elevators because during a fire, they act like chimneys gasping for oxygen. Always take the stairwell because it is built to keep smoke out and is the strongest structure of a building. Also, you want to go down, not up because fire and smoke rises. Bruce Willis goes up, we go down. I also learned that what happens in movies is not what actually happens in real life. No way. Most people stuck in fires don't burn up, they die by smoke inhalation. It only takes 4-5 breaths before one loses consciousness. Also sprinklers in a building turn on in isolated areas when heat reaches a certain level. They don't all turn on like a thundershower with beautiful people struggling to find their loved one in movies. During an earthquake it isn't the floor giving out that you should be concerned about, it is the small things inside the room that can fly and knock you flat. Most deaths occur by interior objects hitting them during a quake. So it is a good idea to hide under a table or desk in the event the earth is shaking.

The presenter did a great job in training how we should react during a disaster. At least he did a good job presenting, but in practice it was another story. As soon as he finished training us, the fire alarm went off. We all laughed because it wasn't planned. Then, springing into action by heading towards the stairwell, half the people took the elevator up and half went towards the fire exit stairwell. Of that half that headed towards the stairwell, half went up the stairs and my half went down the stairs which is what you're supposed to do. I guess they all want to be heroes.



Blogger Kirsten said...

this was funny.

10:44 PM, September 21, 2008  

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