Sunday, April 05, 2009

Ambulance Ride

I don't remember the last time my body felt as weird as it did this weekend. Yesterday morning, I went for a haircut and headed to the recreation centre to work out and go for a swim. After exercising, I felt totally awesome and as soon as I got home, I started to feel some loose bowel movement which meant I had to prepare for some D train. I thought I would be okay as I felt totally fine, but I was wrong. I ended up sitting on the throne at least ten times, too many to count. I wonder if it was the fish I ate the night before.

After the D train subsided, I decided maybe I should eat dinner which might help harden the stools and I was really hungry anyway. After hitting the toilet once more I didn't have to go to the bathroom after that. Feeling fine, I decided to hook up with my buddy Justin at midnight to go for a drink. I ordered a strawberry shake at a Vietnamese restaurant. Then, as soon as I got home I started to feel some pain in my abdominal area, but I felt maybe it will go away while I sleep.

At 5 am this morning, the pain in my abdomen was excruciating. It was aching and burning, and I decided maybe if I go to the bathroom I'd get some relief, but no. I was thinking at the time, could my appendix be ruptured? I didn't want to take a chance that it wasn't the case so I dialed 911. This is the first time I ever dialed that number. I explained my pain to dispatch and she sent an ambulance over to my place.

I met the paramedics at the door and took a ride in the ambulance to the hospital. A lot of documentation was taken during the ride and when I got to the hospital they processed me pretty quickly. I did some tests and before I knew it I was lying in a hospital bed. The doctor came in and asked what my symptoms were. He pretty much knew right away it wasn't my appendix, and explained that I had stomach acid. I drank this nasty concoction that freezes the stomach to eliminate the pain. He gave me a bunch of Antacid tablets and told me I was good to go home. I then asked the staff which hospital I was at and they laughed. I had no idea since I got a ride there. They pointed me in the direction of where the buses were.

It was beautiful and sunny this morning, and I took the wrong bus. I thought the bus I was taking would take me home in about ten minutes, but I ended up getting the grand tour of my city which took forty minutes. I then hopped onto the Skytrain and headed home and went to bed.

My loose bowel movements have come back and I hope it clears up soon. It's been a weird couple of days because when I have D train I generally have other symptoms like a fever, headache, muscle aches, know what a flu feels like. But this time I feel completely fine except for my bowels.

I'm thankful to be living in Canada because had I been in the States, that ambulance ride would have cost me at least $1000 against an insurance policy and would have affected probably my decision whether or not to go. I'm glad we have universal health care.



Blogger Mindy said...

Wow dude, glad you are okay! Oh no, A train with D Train. Bad combo. Sounds like food poisoning to me.

6:39 AM, April 08, 2009  
Blogger Kirsten said...

that was clever Mindy... A train with D train.
i'm glad you're okay Arnold! are you feeling better now?

12:47 PM, April 20, 2009  
Blogger Kirsten said...

actually, i presume you are better. i just looked at the date on the date on the post and it was april 5.

12:48 PM, April 20, 2009  

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