Thursday, September 14, 2006

Survivor: Racist Islands

You may have heard the controversy surrounding the new season of Survivor. It's basically the same game, but divided up into 4 races: Black, White, Asians, and Latinos. I wasn't going to watch it because of its racial nature, but I guess you can't judge it unless you see it. I saw it and it really wasn't a big deal. The only thing that's really bad about it is that you have a group of 5 in each race representing the millions of people in that culture. You can imagine that stereotypes are in our minds for a reason and a show like this can have its way to reinforce it. Our minds can't comprehend the vast differences that exist within people of the same race so we resort to generalizations to give us some sort of measure or understanding.

I watched the show, and it was pretty lame. I know I'm gonna get a beat down from some people, but really this show sucks. I mean it was fun for the first two seasons, but after that they haven't really done much to improve it. Survivor: Racist Islands as I like to call it exists only for shameless ratings.

My favourite reality show would have to be The Amazing Race and man is it ever amazing. It's good every time because the world is so huge to explore and there's so much one can learn from the travel/game show. There's endless competitions that the producers can think of and I just plain love seeing diverse cultures and people. The teamwork is there and it's exciting to watch them compete cause they react like normal human beings in strange situations.

I would have to say NO TO RACISM and guess what, the very word is used wrong. There's only race in the human race.



Blogger S. said...

Hey Arnold, I'm so lame I actually missed Surivor last night! This is what happens when I'm not living at home and am glued to the Food Network. I think the premise for the show this season is dumb too. You know how I feel about these kinds of issues; I was actually disappointed that one of my favourite shows would do that. But I have yet to see it. My guess is that within the next 2 episode they will split/reorganize the teams.

And hey, Amazing Race has had its downfall too.... like that season with the teams of 4 who only travelled within the States. Yeah, pretty much nobody watched that season. But I love the show otherwise! :)

8:35 AM, September 15, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been boycotting most of the reality shows lately. The only ones I have watched are Amazing Race (i believe i could win it, lol) Did you see the episode where they were in Korea and had to eat chopped live octopus still moving???, So you think you can dance (i wish i could dance that well), and America's Next top model (i just think the photos they take are pretty). I completely understand about the survivor thing.. it really was the most sleezy way to make headlines and profit... Producers... all greedy


1:21 PM, September 24, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been boycotting most of the reality shows lately. The only ones I have watched are Amazing Race (i believe i could win it, lol) Did you see the episode where they were in Korea and had to eat chopped live octopus still moving???, So you think you can dance (i wish i could dance that well), and America's Next top model (i just think the photos they take are pretty). I completely understand about the survivor thing.. it really was the most sleezy way to make headlines and profit... Producers... all greedy


1:22 PM, September 24, 2006  
Blogger S. said...

That Stewie video is frickin hilarious!!!!

12:42 PM, September 27, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

john kim here.
I just saw the first two episodes and I don't know man. It's really interesting! Becky, the korean girl is cute! Check out her bio on the survivor page. Crazy smart and athletic too. It's nice to see a variant of different races though represented. I mean, they could have picked all superstar athletes for the white team and picked homeless starving asians and migrant mexican farm workers but they didn't. so respect. It should be interesting. I kind of wish they would've picked a better group of latinos and african americans though. the Asians seem to be the strongest team...

10:12 AM, September 28, 2006  

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