Saturday, September 09, 2006

Online Dating

I'm sure most of you who are single have thought about giving online dating a try, but were too afraid, it's weird, or it's too impersonal. I have thought about it over the past 2 years, but I guess I'm more old fashioned. Ideally I'd like to be hooked up with a friend's female friend. However, it doesn't always happen and the choices are quite limited. So I've been thinking about putting up a profile.

I have a few friends who are pro online dating. Aside from not actually meeting someone face to face, there are some benefits to it. I think there are more honest answers when written down in a profile, there's far more choice in who you'd like to meet, and you don't have to spend tons of money. It really is hard to find someone from church to date, and I have had thoughts of dating some non-Christians. I think I'd feel comfortable around non-Christians, but then of course faith is a big deal in my life and a relationship with a non-believer wouldn't work out. I know that I want to date a Christian, but I've met some who are pretty fake. Just want to meet someone who is real and down-to-earth, but also has a relationship with God.

I think the Internet is a great tool and online dating is one way to meet people. The days of Christian conferences and retreats are long gone, so online dating I may give a try within Greater Vancouver. I will never do long distance again.



Blogger Nat said...

Hey Arnold,

I think you should go for it. I was a sceptic about online dating until recently. Actually I kind of mocked people who did it. Shameful I know. I ended up giving it a try this summer and have only positive experiences to share. That's how I met Jared - and even though we're no longer together I have no regrets. I recommend Christian Cafe. If you have any questions feel free to drop me a line.

9:01 AM, September 10, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Arnold. =)
Finally, someone discussed this topic~! I really think that online dating is a hit/miss situation... You can easily end up with some "Crazy girl" who is really good at putting up profiles, but then again you can end up with a great girl =) You go first.. you can be my guinea pig...
As for the whole finding a special someone in church.. it is really hard to do because no one needs speculation and rumors going around about them.. and if the relationship ends and both of you are in the same church.. agh..Forget it.


6:38 PM, September 10, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Arns, if you really need a girl, just dial up 7 digits, and call up Bridgette, her mans a midget....

My opinion of Online dating...Don't Do It. Gonna get a lot of your friends mad at me for this, and my full reason would be a novel, but long story short, if yuo dont have a girlfriend right now and arent meeting them, its not because you arent looking in the right place or whatever, its because God has something else planned for you at this time. You should never look for a Girlfriend, it should just happen naturally. Also, I reccomend getting your dating resume beefed girls and ask them out..sometimes you have to have 10 bad relationships to get 1 good one. As for dating a non-christian, I suggest you give it a try if the opportunity arises. You shouldnt see it as her holding back your relationship with christ, but rather an opportunity to introduce her to the Lord. I know people who have become christians because of the person they were dating.

Pretty much, you are a really nice guy and I think you need to be a bit more of a jerk (like me) so you dont get walked over. Youre A-Train the ladies man..but I suggest dont look for a relationship, let it happen India Aries says man.."just let nature run the show"...Oh, and one thing you'll notice, is there will be times where you cant meet a girl, and then the minute you start dating one, like 5 others will let you know they like you...its really cruel...but its all about dont do the online thing yet..PLEASE!!!


7:19 PM, September 10, 2006  
Blogger Arnold said...

Yeah, I agree with you Dean. I've put up a temporary profile for free that will last 10 days and I don't plan on initiating at all. If someone drops a hint, and it looks like it could work I may give it a go. I just want to say I tried the online thing once. I'm pretty sure I want to run into that girl somewhere out there face to face. It's far more natural and way more comfortable. I have a couple of girls in mind that I wouldn't mind asking out for coffee.

I've thought about the non-Christian thing too and it's about assessing the situation for sure whether she's cool with my faith. If she is down with it, I may consider it.

Can't believe I've known you for a decade, we're getting old buddy. You'll always be a dbGenius.


12:18 AM, September 11, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yo bro,
John Kim here. Great topic. Dating non christians is not the way to go as I've tried and found out as my future girlfriend will need to know that God comes first. talking to other girls quickly becomes empty as after the initial attraction there's not much substance underneath. As for dating in church, I think as we serve and keep our eyes focused on God and his plans for our lives, that'll attract the kind of woman you're looking for and she'll let you know that she's interested... :)

Keep the faith bro. peace.

7:28 PM, September 11, 2006  
Blogger S. said...

Hmm, a variety of opinions. I agree with a couple. I'd say don't do the online thing, but you already know how I feel about that. Seems like you've got one foot in the water there.

And I'd also say not to date a non-Christian with the purpose of introducing her to God. That constitutes some crazy form of evangelism. Haha ... On the other hand if you do date a non-Christian I assume she will naturally be exposed to your spirituality so I don't think it's wrong, but it's really about intent.

11:54 AM, September 12, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1 more thing...

Dating someone hoping to "change" them is a mistake that most girls often make... and it never works.

Dating a non-christian is also a good way to hinder your worship with God... and that is the LAST thing you want to do.

Ideally, your relationship should be like a triangle (with the you and your christian girlfriend at the bottom with your eyes set together on God who is obviously on top)..


2:16 PM, September 14, 2006  

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