Saturday, July 23, 2005

Wedding and Batman

My friends, Les and Caroline, got married this evening. It was at a beautiful location at Cecil Green Park House at UBC and the weather was perfect. The wedding itself was a small one and the ceremony short, sweet, and simple. I've never been to a non-Christian wedding and I enjoyed it. There were lots of drinks and the dancing was great.

I've known Les and Caroline for just over a year now from work. They are an amazing couple full of generosity and warmth. If I had known Les for a long time, I believe we would have become best friends.

I saw Batman Begins just before the wedding and it was a totally awesome flick! I highly recommend it for those who want to see a movie with depth and action, especially, you, Tom Aechtner.


Friday, July 15, 2005


"Twixter" is a new term that describes a young adult between 18-25 years old and even beyond who is stuck between two stages: adolescence and adulthood (Time, 2005). They are called "kidults" because they don't assume adult defining roles such as purchasing a house and having their own family. I discovered this term from an article I read on taken from Time Magazine.

"Social scientists are starting to realize that a permanent shift has taken place in the way we live our lives. In the past, people moved from childhood to adolescence and from adolescence to adulthood, but today there is a new, intermediate phase along the way. The years from 18 until 25 and even beyond have become a distinct and separate life stage, a strange, transitional never-never land between adolescence and adulthood in which people stall for a few extra years, putting off the iron cage of adult responsibility that constantly threatens to crash down on them. They're betwixt and between. You could call them twixters." (Lev Grossman, Time, 2005)

You could be a "Twixter" if one of the following applies to you.

  • You finished college, but still living with your parents.

  • Your video game collection rivals Blockbuster's.

  • You eat out so often that you top your neighbourhood restaurants' "most valuable customer" list.

  • Your credit card bills and loan repayment reminders outnumber your family's cumulative mail.

  • You've had 3 or more addresses in the past 5 years.

I found it hilarious after reading the article because the descriptions match my profile very well. I need to find me a wife soon.


Thursday, July 07, 2005

Math is Fun!

I'm taking a Business Math course at BCIT to prepare me for the Operations Management Program in the Fall. Right now, I'm re-learning Fractions, Percentages, Decimals, and Exponents. How easy it is to forget Algebra. I haven't done math in six years. Math was never fun for me, but it's actually not too bad. I enjoy solving problems and getting the correct answer. The class size is about 20 students which is nice. Half the students are recent high school grads who didn't take Math 12 and the other half are like me who haven't taken math in a very long time.

In this class, I drink a can of Red Bull to keep me alert because in pretty much all the lectures I took in university, I've fallen asleep. I think I have a short attention span or something. I have to be doing something active to keep me interested (hence why I love video games so much). I find whatever class I take there are some hot girls and the one annoying person. Is it me or do you find that one annoying person in every class you've taken? They either have a bunch of common sense questions or have a lot of pride and answer every question. In my class, I have the guy who has pride and shows it. He'll talk to the person next to him and say this class is dreary. He'd be like that's so easy when we are asked to do some math problems. I overheard him say he hadn't taken math in two years since Grade 12. I'm like c'mon man! If it's that easy, why are you taking the class.

I kind of feel out of place there, but I think the students could see me as a high school grad. I'm waiting for the person to ask me what high school I graduated from. Some say I look 18 and others think I look 26 or 27. I remember my bro's friend asked me if I just graduated from high school when I went out to visit Byron last year at the frat house. My bro and I just laughed when I said I just graduated with a BA from SFU last June.
